Use acceptance and trust to raise your vibration


The fear being spread by the pandemic is as toxic to us as the virus itself. You might argue that there are good reasons to be afraid. Fear is a natural and appropriate response to danger and uncertainty.

Our world is uncertain right now and the health risk is real. We need to stay informed and we also need to protect our mental health and raise our vibration.

When I’m scared, my personal field becomes fragmented. My nerves become hypersensitive and I wake often with disturbing dreams. If I leave myself in that condition, how will my immune system function? The answer is clear – badly.

I’ve been working to release my fear and raise my vibration. I don’t often write about raising vibration because it sounds like something you aspire to or reach up for, which has never worked for me.

Instead, I’m using my meditation practice to ground myself and return to trust. In any particular moment, we have the opportunity to accept what’s happening. We don’t have to like our circumstances but that doesn’t preclude us from accepting it.

Acceptance brings release to the body and mind. It’s a way of letting go by dropping into yourself and surrendering the need to change anything. Acceptance creates an opening to find trust.

Even if you don’t trust your government or other factors in your outer world, can you access a sense of trust that within you, you can find peace and ease, even in troubling times? 


Somatic practices shift ideas to experience


How do we cope when what we’re doing isn’t working?