How Do You Reconcile These two Mantras?

If you’ve been on the healing path for a while, you will undoubtedly have encountered the apparent dichotomy of evolving verses accepting. How do you know when to question and heal your ways verses accepting yourself as you are?
I’ve experimented with many approaches and am currently thinking about the issue like this.
We need to make time everyday to be with ourselves as we are. During that time, we breathe and rest into how things actually are in our lives. We don’t judge or plan any improvements. We simply hold space and love ourselves as we are, with all of our imperfections. For that self-love to feel authentic we need to look at ourselves with compassion, knowing that whatever struggles we have represent our body/mind’s best effort to cope give the past and present struggles we faced.
This being time represents the feminine aspect of our self-care.
At other times during the day, we can engage our masculine self-care and work on our healing mindset, intention setting and action plans. We can research new kinds of support and take whatever steps feel right to move our lives forward.
I’ve found that when I have the right balance of feminine and masculine self-care, my life unfolds much better and I don’t struggle wondering whether I ought to be doing more or less to help myself. .
Where are you with evolving and moving forward verses accepting and loving yourself as you are?


Blogging is on pause.


People Often Confuse Their Wounds With Their Nature