Homeopathy patient learn body-listening


Patient (P): I have been having recurring headaches.

Me: Tell me more about the type of headaches.

P: My forehead and temples hurt.

Me: What does the pain feel like?

P: Well, you know, it just hurts and I can’t think right.

Me: Pain has different qualities. Pain can be aching, stabbing, pressing, constant, variable, dull, sharp etc.

P: Well, I guess it’s a constant pressure in my forehead.

Me: Does it feel like it is pressing inward or outward?

P: Hmmm. It feels like my head will explode so that must be outward.

Me: Is there anything you can do that relieves the pain?

P: Sometimes drinking icy cold water helps. It seems to make me thirsty but hot drinks are the worst. If I go outside and get some fresh air that helps but only if it’s cold.

Me: Anything that you know makes the pain worse?

P: Bending forward, that’s awful. It hurts way more if I have to pick up something from the floor, like a kid’s toy.

Me: What time of day to you most often get this pain?

P: Well, it varies. Often about 3.00 pm, sometimes late morning.

Me: Where are you in your day at 3.00 pm? What are you most often doing?

P: Well, I’m usually scrambling like mad to finish my work before I have to pick up my kids from school. Sometimes I’m fine but I have so much work and it’s hard to get it done.

Me: How are you feeling in those moments, before you start to get a headache?

P: Often my 2.00 pm everything feels like too much. The time seems to be running away and I start to feel so stressed.

Me: Where do you feel the stress in your body?

P: My mind starts racing, I start checking the clock obsessively and rushing. If I have a lot of deadlines, I might even hold my breath. My shoulders and neck feel tight too.

This case isn’t from an actual patient. It’s an example of the way homeopathic care works. By the time you are aware of a symptom, chances are there were ten steps that preceded it. Homeopathic care builds self-awareness and give you tools to change the way your react to your stress.


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