It's Never Too Late To Have A Happy Childhood

“It’s never too late to have a happy childhood”. Odd statement, isn’t it? I thought so when a workshop leader said it to our group. It took years for me to understand what she meant.

We can’t change what happened to us but we can come into contact with our younger selves and give ourselves the parenting we would have needed at the time. It takes some learning to access your child-self but it’s well worth the effort.

So much of our emotional and mental suffering emanates from ill formed childhood reactions. It makes sense that as children with limited perspective, we just did the best we could. Whatever worked for us at the time, isn’t necessarily what’s still best. 

Most of us have buried memories of the pivotal moments we made decisions like, “I’m not going to argue anymore”, “I’ll just stay out of everyone’s way”, “I don’t think my opinion matters that much”. The list is endless. Sometimes we can move beyond our younger choices but often people become stuck as adults and don’t even have any idea why.

If these ideas are new to you, I don’t expect you to sit down this evening and find your eight-year-old self. However, I’m hoping that you will broaden your thinking about what might be holding you back from optimal health and expanding living.

I teach people to feel themselves through their ages and stages in BCET sessions. We don’t set out with an agenda it emerges naturally through the process. I’ve been amazed of late how quickly people are learning these skills, even people that thought they had no idea what I was talking about!


To Suppress, To Prop or to Stimulate?
