Cultivate a safe space within

There's a paradigm shift that happens when we learn to sooth ourselves and go within to seek comfort. When time alone becomes precious, when we know to move into stillness to refill our cup, the world starts to look different.

When we are full from within, it's easier not to take other people's behaviour personally. We can take space from people or situations that are draining because we don't need those interactions to complete us. We are complete, in and of ourselves.

To heal from trauma we must rebuild our safety. Start with this moment. Can you take a few deep breaths and find a place within yourself to land right now? Can you find a way to trust that in this particular moment you are safe, even if there are parts within you that you can't handle, can't accept, can't process? When the can't list gets long, it's helpful to remind ourselves to reduce the time frame to just this moment. One moment can grow to two. It's a gradual process.


What Role Can Homeopathy Play in Trauma Healing?


People tend to minimize the impact of everyday trauma.