The Support We Need For Deep Rest


As I was doing this supported forward bend, I kept finding parts of my body that wouldn’t quite let go. Every time I felt a subtle tension on my back, I added support to the front of my body. As you can see from the picture, I ended up with a lot of props. You might think: “How absurd or I would never go to that trouble,” but the truth was that on that day, I needed that level of support to deeply let go.

I needed to lean into something solid yet forgiving so I didn’t have to hold myself. After ten minutes of breathing and gradually opening, I had an ‘ah ha’ moment.  I was surprised by how much that extra support helped me. I didn’t think I needed it but when I allowed myself to have it, the release was much deeper.

This experience got me thinking about support. What would change if the women I know were fully supported? My lens is skewed towards mothers who carry so much for other people. I sat there wondering how many mothers know how to put down the hundreds of details they hold each day and find a few minutes of true rest?

True rest nourishes the nervous system. It restores at a cellular level. For me, deep rest is the fuel that gives me the capacity to hold a myriad of responsibilities.

For many years in my thirties, I looked at how much I perceived other women to be doing and judged myself for my struggles. My forties have brought a greater acceptance of my own limits and a more compassionate perspective. Will you join me in acknowledging the value of true rest and seek it out? Despite all the obstacles in the way, prioritizing regular deep rest goes a long way towards balance, contentment and health.


Out of the Fog


Meditation and the Negative Mind