The Role of Faith in Healing


“You just gotta have faith,” if you want to heal. Faith is the main ingredient in healing. I don’t mean faith in God, although that helps too. I mean faith that there is a way out of your condition, even if you can’t see it in this moment.

It can be scary to believe in healing because failed attempts are so depressing.  When you get your hopes up that a particular treatment will help and it doesn’t, it’s so hard.  Sometimes it takes time to find the courage to try again.

Meanwhile you adapt, coping with life as well as you can given your pain and discomfort, be it mental or physical distress.  The part of you that adapts is doing a critical job that you need to live your life but sadly it gets in the way of deep healing.

The healing journey is the slow undoing of layers of coping and the opening up to new possibilities.  A gentle pace is key so that new strengths replace the layers that are being peeled away.

You’ll have to seek to unravel your personal layers of coping.  A universal remedy won’t work for everybody.  My journey has been filled with yoga, homeopathy and kirtan.  Body-based psychotherapy, osteopathy and living foods also play an important role.  Sensing how to continue my healing requires deep listening.  When I am quiet inside, I can feel what I need and this knowing strengthens my faith that I will find my way.


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