The Healing Power of Contrast


I had some unexpected contrast two weeks ago when my husband took our two older children on a weeklong trip. I spent a week bonding with our four-year-old and revelling in the relative ease and simplicity of caring for one child.  Of course I knew intellectually that three kids create a busy life but it wasn’t until I experienced the contrast of being with just one that I felt such a difference.

The key to making healing choices is feeling positive contrast. Once you get a taste of how good the shift feels, you want more. Most of us have had the experience of exercising and feeling great. We want to keep that good feeling but we can’t always find the motivation or discipline to keep exercising. It’s a similar scenario with healthy eating, bodywork, meditating or any other kind of self-care.

The reality of daily life means we are often stretched past our limits.  The stress shows up in all kinds of symptoms depending on each person’s constitution and genetics.  The good news is that you can support yourself through the symptoms of your personal over-stretch using homeopathy. Most people associate medicine with illness not with self-care; however, homeopathic medicine can be used as part of regular self-care before you have a disease.  Homeopathy brings perspective. You will be amazed by the contrast.

Creating Contrast Using Homeopathy at Home:

Most homeopathic remedies need to be custom prescribed.  However, these two examples are safe for all healthy people to try at home.

Grief – Your daughter had a huge disappointment that she can’t get past.  If you see a lot of tears, hysteria, irrationality or sudden pain without injury consider Ignatia Amara 30c.  Give one pellet, wait a few hours to see if there is a shift.  Give up to three pellets over 24 hours. If no change, consult a homeopathic practitioner.

Fear – Aconite is the first remedy to reach for in acute fear or panic.  Planning a summer trip?  I have had good results treating the fear of flying with aconite 30 c, one pellet dissolved in a small water bottle.  Take one sip when you board the plane.  Keep sipping throughout the flight, whenever you feel afraid.


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