Eczema is More Than Skin Deep


“Why shouldn’t I use cortisone cream to get rid of my skin rash?  In just a few days it’s gone.”

Your skin may be clear but the disturbance that caused the skin eruption is not healed. Assuming you haven’t been rustling in unknown foliage, your skin eruptions are caused by an imbalance that your body can’t restore.  Many different types of stress can express themselves as skin eruptions and rashes.

If you have skin trouble, your body is telling you that something isn’t going well. The first step is uncovering your unbalance and why it is expressing itself on your skin. You may have food or environmental sensitivities, job stress, marital challenges or simple overwork. Any combination of mental and physical stressors can cause skin disorders.

The use of cortisone creams encourages rapid skin repair but takes away the most external expression of the disturbance. The body has a system of expressing unbalance in the least destructive way possible.  A skin eruption may be itchy or unsightly but it isn’t usually dangerous, with the exception of melanomas.

With repeated use of suppressive medicine, the natural outlet is blocked and the disturbance is driven into deeper body systems. In clinical practice, homeopaths see strong connections between suppressed skin eruptions and respiratory and digestive conditions. It is common to see a temporary return of suppressed skin symptoms when treating these deeper conditions.

So the next time you reach for a quick fix ointment to treat your skin, look for support to uncover the broader picture of what’s really going on in your life.


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