Use Homeopathy to Play your Best Hand


Your body is intelligent at playing the best hand from the cards you are dealt. You may suffer from varied irritating symptoms but believe it or not, that’s your body’s best attempt at finding balance, given the challenges you face.

Your body has a sophisticated mechanism of maintaining homeostasis, or balance in every major system. Everyone has a unique tolerance for physical and emotional stress. Once your threshold is crossed, your balance falls off kilter and dis-ease symptoms appear. You might start getting headaches, rashes, insomnia or constipation. There is a myriad of symptoms that reflect the struggle to maintain balance.

Conventional medicine treats each symptom individually. You may get pain relief drugs for the headaches, cortisone cream for the rashes, sleeping aids for insomnia and laxative for the constipation.

Homeopathy treats the whole person rather than each individual symptom because the symptoms are not the real problem. The right homeopathic remedy stimulates the body’s innate capacity to restore balance.

Treatment includes a personalized remedy, and if needed, lifestyle and diet recommendations that are practical and feasible for you. It doesn’t mean that you will be put on the stereotypical ‘no wheat, dairy or sugar’ diet that is overprescribed by natural doctors. True, you would probably feel better on that diet, most people do, but few people can sustain it and when the diet reverses, the problems tend to creep back.

A better plan is to use homeopathy to help you be as resilient and self-aware as possible, so you can weather the challenges in your life and make choices that are most nourishing for you.


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Homeopathy can Support Change and Growth