Transformation Can be Intimidating

2020-12-11 The idea of transformation can be so intimidating because we don't know where it will take us.png

The idea of transformation can be so intimidating because we don't know where it will take us. Finding a new way of being, challenging the status quo, being willing to look within at things that may have never been questioned can be so scary. Transformation asks us to surrender into a greater presence, and that feels so unknown.

So how can we engage in this process and feel safe? What is the guiding principle that holds us along the way? Some people visualize a thread. It's the thread that will take you through the corridors of the dark passages when you don't yet see the light. That thread is fed by your inner wisdom, by your intuition.

Sometimes you can feel it in your guts, in your solar plexus. “Who am I? Is this true?” When we make time to really be still and listen to that voice, we can connect with a very rich source of wisdom that will guide us to the next step.

If you can begin to trust that the next step will always be shown, then it doesn't matter if you can't see the final destination, you can see that you're guided at every step of the way and that invites more surrender. The more you surrender, the more you're living from your heart and less from your head.

How do these ideas feel to you? What stands in your way from trusting yourself to enter the unknown of your healing process? What kind of support do you need to allow more surrender? I know it’s not easy to do! Let’s talk about it.


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