Don’t abandon physical therapy so fast {Part 2}

Wheel of Care.jpg

One of the most common reasons that good therapies fail is because they aren’t being used in the right combination. (Catch up on Part 1 of “Don’t abandon physical therapy so fast” if you missed it.)

If you go to your naturopath and get a bucket load of good vitamins and herbs, they will support you but may not shift the entire complex you’re working with.

Does that mean that the vitamins are just creating expensive urine (a common criticism)? Often not!

To heal exhaustion we may need to support our adrenal glands and supplement our iron, B-vitamins, and vitamin D if any are low but we also need to look at how we’re living that’s creating fatigue.

Serious exhaustion often has a trauma-based component such as perfectionism, low self-esteem or unprocessed fear.

All the supplements in the world won’t heal the hygienic causes of exhaustion that have to do with how we think and how we choose to spend our time and energy.

But what if you combined therapy, naturopathic care and restorative yoga into the treatment mix? Can you see how that exhausted patient has a higher chance of healing?

The key to combining therapies is making sure you don’t choose conflicting modalities. It doesn’t make sense to see an osteopath Monday and then a chiropractor on Tuesday because your body will still be processing the osteopathic treatment and that chiropractic adjustment may interfere with that integration and benefit.

Check out The Wheel of Care diagram that I’ve taken from the How to Build Your Health Team module in The Life Transformation Intensive.

Not all symptoms require that every category of care be covered but most chronic ailments require a mix.

If you’re frustrated with how you feel or you simply want more in your life, have a look and see what kind of care you’re currently giving yourself.

Pay particular attention to the self-care that you can do on your own like planning for regular rest & reflection, time in nature, good nutrition, meditation & breathwork, and exercise. 

People discount the power of self-care because they want bigger solutions but good self-care is low hanging fruit. Get those bases covered and then take the remaining struggles to your health care team so that you have all the support you need.

If you’re not sure what you need, just reply to this email and I’ll be happy to help you. Holistic case management is a big part of the work that I love doing.


What if nothing is wrong with your body?


Don’t abandon physical therapy so fast {Part 1}