Don’t abandon physical therapy so fast {Part 1}

It’s so frustrating watching people give up on a well-indicated physical therapy prematurely because they perceive that it isn’t working.

Maybe you’ve been there?

It’s common to try something, be disappointed by the progress, and then move on to something else.

Consider these examples:

1. The physiotherapy exercises don’t resolve pain.

2. The sleep apnea machine doesn’t resolve frequent waking.

3. The gluten and sugar-free diet doesn’t resolve gut health issues.

After a couple of months the person gets frustrated and moves on to the next idea. But, in many cases what’s needed is another complementary modality.

Physiotherapy strengthens muscles but it doesn’t release the terror lodged in the tissues from the car accident.

Sleep apnea machines provide more oxygen but don’t address the suppressed fear that’s disregulating the parasympathetic nervous system.

An anti-inflammatory diet takes a long time to heal chronic gut health issues and is more effective when combined with energy medicine like homeopathy or acupuncture.

With chronic struggles, most people have a hard time distinguishing between the wrong treatments and the wrong mix of treatments.

The medical system is siloed. Even within complementary medicine, there’s rarely enough treatment time to provide comprehensive case management.

People are left roaming from one treatment to the next without enough training to accurately assess what’s needed.

That’s why you need to learn about the wheel of care, so you can ask yourself the poignant questions that determine what mix of therapies makes sense for you right now.

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s email where I’ll be explaining the wheel of care. In the meantime, make a list of all the therapies you’ve tried for whatever is limiting you in your mind or body right now.

Which therapies did you do in combination and which were alone?

I’m excited to help you make better decisions about your care.


Don’t abandon physical therapy so fast {Part 2}


Ever wondering why reassurance doesn’t change anxious thoughts?