Lessons for all of us from Cancer Survivors.


There’s something humbling and satisfying about working with people who have cancer. While the rest of us contemplate changing our lives, the cancer patients I’ve worked with know that the time is NOW.

My cancer patients have heard the call. They recognize that some aspects of their lives aren’t working.

They’re willing to look within and inquire. When they find pain, they’re ready to express it and they aren’t waiting for anybody’s permission or worrying about stepping on toes.

The cancer patients who’ve impressed me most stand firmly in what they know to be true. In a messed up way, cancer can be used as a “don’t even think of messing with me” card. Don’t question my choices. Don’t judge me and if you do, keep it to yourself!

Cancer is an intense challenge, one that I don’t want to minimize or take lightly. However, it’s also a strong force that has the power to awaken not only the survivor but everyone who has the privilege of knowing him/her.

Instead of fearing the cancer patient, look him/her in the eyes. Cancer patients have a lot to teach us about personal responsibility, resilience, and faith.


Uncovering the underlying imbalance that gave rise to your condition.


What you think needs to be cut off is often where your greatest treasure resides.