Life Transformation Intensive Graduates Share Their Experiences

The Life Transformation Intensive is a 7-week program that gives 7 participants that opportunity to be be fully supported as they take a deep dive into their core issues, expand their beliefs about what’s possible and learn the skills they need to thrive.

Here’s what our most recent graduates had to say about the program.

Kim W’s Story

I’ve tried pretty much everything you can imagine to manage severe anxiety and depression.  It all helped - to some extent.  Therapy was useful in understanding, from an intellectual perspective, the things that triggered and held me back. And yet... I still had suicidal thoughts daily. I was in a place where I was confident I wouldn’t act on them. To the outside world I was functioning well, inside I struggled to keep it together and wondered if I was capable of true joy.

I was skeptical of the 7-week transformation claim - after all I’d been meditating for years.  Yet, I trusted deeply in Alyssa.   

Fast forward 7 weeks, and I can’t remember the last time I had a suicidal thought. By learning to access pain and trauma through my body, instead of my mind, I was able to process it in a way no amount of talk therapy was ever able to reach. I never imagined I’d have this kind of access to optimism, connection and intrinsic joy.  

Linda S’s Story

I came into this course feeling that I was well aware of my limiting beliefs, but being aware of them, it turns out is not enough. Alyssa helped me understand the connection between those beliefs and an un-nurtured, unloved inner-self/inner child.  Through reparenting, self-love and compassion I’m learning to reconnect with that child. It’s that connection that I now know will help me heal. This work has already had an impact on how I experience my migraines.

Ruth C’s Story

The biggest impact of the program for me is that I like myself better, and feel more connected to and part of something bigger.  I’m more comfortable in my skin and making better choices for myself.  The smile on my face is coming from a more authentic place, and I’m noticing how it’s resonating with others. 

The course is a lifestyle change, a commitment to sitting in meditation every day, to being quiet, to tuning in and listening to your wisdom.  Bumps in the road will continue to arise, but I’m confident I have the tools, community of people and access to my own wisdom to help me through. 

Tara S’s Story

I no longer think about my illness day in and day out. In fact, I no longer even define myself as someone with chronic neurological illness. At my core, I feel like I am healed. While I know healing is a lifelong journey, I feel much freer.

By releasing trauma and childhood pain, I have made space for an overwhelming excitement and happiness bubbling within. I feel connected, with a strong desire to have adventure and fun. I feel like I have the energy in my body for adventures and experiences with the ones I love. This is new for me. 

I don’t want to say I have my old self back; I have a new and improved version and I’m showing her to the world.

Tracy S’s Story

I’ve shifted from an avid conversationalist to someone who values and craves stillness and quiet. I never imagined myself sitting for 40 minutes a day in meditation, but it’s become an essential component of my day. My practice is connecting me with who I am, what I need and how I want to show up for myself. It’s given me access to feelings in my body that I couldn’t previously feel. Being in this program has shown me my wounds through my body and guided me to a new kind of self-care.

The next intensive starts Jan 11th. You can read more information about the program and book your intro call at:

I will only accept people whom I feel confident I can help. You can apply by filling in the form on the booking page. I always refer people to whoever I feel can help them best, if this program isn’t a good fit.

I look forward to talking to you.


Video: How to make sense of future manifesting meditations


Video: The Life Transformation Intensive Offers a Healing Passage