Your constitutional homeopathic remedy will change your life


In homeopathy, your constitutional remedy is prescribed just for you, considering all of the symptoms in your body and body. To find it, I would reflect on your entire health history. I would seek to understand your constitution and how you process your daily life stress. The result is a medicine that supports you in your life life right now.

What can you do with this type of remedy?

You take your constitutional remedy according to your customized posology. The strength and frequency of the remedy dose is determined based on your nature and the type of condition you are dealing with. There are always leading symptoms that help us track your progress and refining your dosing plan.

In addition to treating your primary concerns, your remedy is the first thing to reach for when you aren’t coping in your life. When things feel like too much, physically or emotionally, your remedy, if chosen well, can bridge the gap by smoothing out those sharp edges.

People ask whether their remedy will change over time? For most people, yes it does. Healing works in layers and as you gradually release layers of adaptation, you will resonate with a new remedy.

How many of you have had the benefit of this kind of support prescribed by a well trained homeopath? Share your story.

To talk more about the process and how homeopathy can benefit you in your life, use the Book Now button in my profile to schedule your free 20-min intro consult.


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