
As we move into 2019, I'm reflecting on the tools we need to thrive in these times. Amidst the upheaval and political chaos, there's a growing grassroots awakening. While some people are tuning out and becoming lost in the never-ending-swirl of their phones, others are tuning in and choosing to wake up. .

It feels like we are at a pivotal time where our light and strength are truly needed. The more we clear our own inner baggage, the greater our capacity to work towards creating a sustainable planet.

It sounds lofty but as more patients show up in my homeopathy practice with real anxiety about the environment and about American politics, I ask myself, is doing our inner work enough? .

The reality is that not all of us will become activists but each of us can contribute to the effort by facing our own shadow and doing the work of learning to love ourselves. Loving ourselves sounds like 'it's all about us' but the benefits spread rapidly. Other people will see themselves in the mirror of our presence and gradually the next being will look within.

Being present to the point that it will affect others and inspire them to do the same, isn’t so easy. Presence can only be attained through the capacity to sit through our personal, family and societal pain. When we can breathe, accept, forgive and love ourselves through it, we can have impact. This type of inner work has the power to chip away and the collective woundedness and ignorance that enables people to hurt the planet and each other. .

This work is not for the faint of heart, it's not easy and anyone who has begun will tell you there are moments when the greatest wish is to go back to sleep. Once you begin to see and the Pandora's box is open, we must continue the work. The way is through.

I'm hoping that those of you who resonate with these words will comment so we can create more collective support. I know your understanding will be different than mine and I welcome your input.


The Body Isn’t A Machine That Can Be Commanded To Do Your Will


Take Time To Look Back and See How Far You Have Come