Shine Your Inner Light


Many people are affected by the immense darkness in these short December days.  It can be challenging to wake in the dark and have so little light in the afternoon.  Darkness triggers our shadow side and can evoke strong memories and feelings.   We can either run and hide or make the time to reflect and shine light on those dark places.

I’ve noticed two distinct reactions in myself when the shadow arises; fear and trust.  In fear, my mind grips and spins in many directions.  Although I often don’t see it in the moment, my breath becomes shallow and I push forward with the force of my will.  This effort is exhausting and I am soon depleted.  In trust, I exhale, release what feels hard and feel my feet firmly on the ground.  I am able to draw support up for the earth and carry on.

Life flows more smoothly in trust but accessing it can be hard.  The deep exhale requires passing through all the painful times I felt scared.  This month, I’ve been opening to a greater fear that goes beyond my personal life story.  It’s Hanukkah this week, a time when we celebrate the miracle of light and the survival of the Jewish people in the face of persecution.  In my family, the religious persecution wasn’t that many generations ago.  I can still feel the fear and the struggle my ancestors endured for freedom.

In every generation the fear diminishes.  We are safe in our homes and on our land.  We have religious and economic freedom but are we free in spirit?  Are we ready to open and trust the great mystery of life rather than bracing against what could go wrong next?

Each family has a story.  Each person has a personal path towards a lighter, more joyous way of being.  The solstice, the darkest day of the year, invites us to move inward.  It’s a powerful time to clear some cobwebs from your shadow.  Take time tonight to breathe and sit quietly with yourself.  You’ll be in the good company of seekers all around the world.


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