How I Healed My Brain

For those of you who don’t know, I fell in 2013 and suffered with a brain injury that healed very slowly and limited my life in many ways for a long time. I used every healing modality I knew and made a lot of progress but under stress, my symptoms kept returning. I was dizzy many times a day and suffered from neuro fatigue after just 25 minutes of gentle exercise. This post is the story of my healing journey from May 2022 - August 2022. It’s now May 2023 and I haven’t had either of those symptoms! I’m living with freedom in my body that’s expanding and making me so grateful every day.


I thought of writing countless times over the past ten months but every time I thought I’d gotten a handle on what to say, my perspective shifted.

I’ve been in another deep dive, using my mind and body as a laboratory to learn about healing and grow through my own transformation.

My journey started last May when I committed to going ‘all in’ with Joe Dispenza’s work. I had been struggling with a return of many brain-related symptoms after six months of intense life stress.

I was feeling frustrated, and a bit discouraged by recurring dizziness. I decided that if I believe anything can be healed then I had to get to the bottom of this persistent brain injury.

I overcame my resistance to Dispenza’s meditations (no, they aren’t for relaxation, they are for overcoming) and my general aversion to guided meditation, and started practicing every day leading up to the advanced retreat that I attended in London, England last August.

That retreat changed my understanding of reality!

I already believed that we’re made up of energy, that we co-create our lives with the Universe, and that we can change so much in our lives by changing our minds and attending to our wounded selves with love and compassion. I believed in healing. I believed in quantum potentials, but that retreat blew open my understanding of what’s possible.

For years I’ve seen that old trauma attaches to the weakest point in our body. I’ve worked with many people who had to clear childhood pain to heal from accidents or diseases that developed much later in life. What I didn’t appreciate was how much my unprocessed childhood fear was trapped in the energetic matrix that prevented my brain from fully healing.

The first three days of that retreat were very intense for me. So much fear came up and I was convinced that if I couldn’t sit through it, but I did, and it transmuted. By the end of the week, I had a radical healing experience, like the ones you can watch on many of the Dispenza testimonials.

What happened to me is rather textbook, in terms of his process and what people experience. As I sat through the fear and opened deeper and deeper into the quantum field, more and more energy surged through my body. There came a point where that energy was more than my body’s energetic matrix could hold.

I got an upgrade that looked like a seizure, which sounds scary, but the lectures prepared me, and I mentally understood that something awesome was happening.

This great force of love surged through me, and my body shook. I’m not talking about minor shakes. These were rapid, uncontrollable movements throughout my entire body. My arms and legs flailed like a fish out of water as I shook up and down. Waves moved through my spine, and my torso thrashed up and down vigorously off the bed.

The spasms lasted over five minutes and I was able to release into it, although in moments it was overwhelming and I was worried about my injured neck, as my head was being pushed back and forth. But I was aware that something massive was happening. After over 25 hours of meditation that week leading up to that moment, I was able to remind myself to trust and let go.

When the shaking stopped, a strong rush of energy moved up my spine into my brain. On the back left side of my head, where I was injured, it felt distinctly different than my right side. My brain felt like a sponge, and I could feel it absorbing the energy and changing.

Eventually, I got up and knew that I had been profoundly transformed.

I was scared to announce my healing because I needed to live it to be sure. Brain injury symptoms can come and go. I was worried that it might not be permanent.

When I came back into my life, the daily dizziness was gone. I was able to exercise without the brain fatigue that had been limiting me for 9.5 years.

Even more profound than the healing, was the new awareness of the energetic sweet spot that I learned how to find, the place of love where the healing happened and would continue to strengthen me.

I experience it as a kind of quantum coordinate that I can go back and access. I need to revisit it to stay well because although I do believe my brain has healed, I also know that my body remembers the injury and if I lower my frequency because life stresses me and I don’t take care to remember the feeling of expansion, I may regress.

I’ve seen this type of expansion and regression with every chronic condition. Our lives wind themselves into our dis-eases. It’s easy to doubt the healing in lieu of taking responsibility for our state of being.

We can’t control life, but we can learn to overcome the stressors in our external environment. We can expand our frequency, our vibration, and our energetic matrix. The more we expand the easier it is to overcome the limitations of our past and our current stressors, but it takes time, awareness, and dedication.

I now believe, without a shadow of a doubt, that dis-ease is a lowering of frequency. It’s not our fault, ever. We’re human beings, doing the best with the hand we’ve been dealt.

The good news is that we have tremendous potential to overcome, expand and create healthier and more expanded lives.

I’m still working on overcoming fear every day. It’s certainly not all gone but I’ve made so much progress which motivates me to continue creating the inner safety that has eluded my Jewish parents and grandparents for generations.

Wherever you find yourself in your journey, aim high. So much is possible.


 Beyond Any Trigger


From Panic Attacks to Freedom - Jason’s Story